Field Service Terms & Conditions

The below listed Terms and Conditions are binding based on the signed estimates provided to the client and override any verbal or written terms outside of the ones below:

1.Hourly Rates

a. Standard Business Hours ONSITE SUPPORT:

Unless otherwise explicitly specified, all Onsite Support services carry a charge as listed in the following tables. All tiers and skill levels are provided with a 2-hour minimum. If calls exceed two hours, the client will be billed at above rate billed in ¼ hour increments.
A detailed table outlining field service rates

b. Non-Standard Business Hours ONSITE SUPPORT:

Non-Standard business hours ONSITE SUPPORT: Unless otherwise explicitly specified, all nonstandard business hours onsite support services carry a charge of 1.25 hourly rate with a 2-hour minimum. If calls exceed two hours, client will be billed at 1.25 billed in ¼ hour increments.

c. Travel Time:

Travel time is covered by the minimum charge in this agreement. For locations significantly outside of major metropolitan areas, SimpliMeta reserves the right to negotiate a case-by-case travel time fee or refuse service.

d. Technician Levels:

An organized table illustrating different technician types, showcasing their unique characteristics and applications.

e. Location Tiers:

A table representing location tiers of services provided

2. Project Coordinator Rates

Unless otherwise explicitly specified, all Project Coordinator services carry a charge of above rate. All Project Coordinator services carry a charge as listed above tables with a 1-hour minimum If project coordinator support exceeds 1 hour client will be billed at above rate in ¼ hour increments. Project coordinator is defined in the below bullet points:
*Predate of service reviewing scope, timelines and additional tasks required to complete site work

3. SimpliMeta Field Service Management Process

a. Field Services Request:

SimpliMeta shall receive a Field Service request from the Client’s POC (or otherwise as agreed). The Field Service request will be in the form of an email, web-based form, or telephone call. When delivered by Client, the Field Service request shall at a minimum identify the facility name, local contact, address, telephone number, nature of the problem, and any special request or other more specific information (i.e., any special skills required, test equipment, unusual site needs, etc.). The Client’s POC shall provide an on-site requested date and time. SimpliMeta shall create an FSM Estimate based upon the information contained in the Field Service request.

SimpliMeta shall acknowledge the Field Service request with an electronic estimate containing the initial scope and timeline for the client to approve. Once Client signs the estimate a work order number will be generated and the following next steps will take place:

b. Field Service Coordinator (FSC) Assignment:

SimpliMeta shall assign the approved estimate and work order to our trained FSC resources.

c. Field Technician Assignment:

SimpliMeta shall identify a fully qualified Field Technician for the dispatch. Once the Field Technician has accepted the assignment, SimpliMeta shall contact the Client’s POC and provide the Field Technician personnel’s name and Estimated Time of Arrival (“ETA”) to the Site.

d. FSC Monitoring:

Throughout the performance of the Field Services work order, SimpliMeta will be available to the Client’s POC to answer the POC’s questions regarding the progress of the Field Technician(s).

e. Technical Escalation:

The Client’s POC shall have direct access to the FSC for the duration of the work order to add any direction and assistance with technical issues and questions. SimpliMeta shall facilitate technical assistance at the request of the Client’s POC or the Field Technician.

f. Call Closure:

The Field Technician shall contact SimpliMeta to complete the final check out and confirm Services are completed, if requested by the Client, SimpliMeta will request a release from the Site by the Client’s POC. The POC will send an email notification to the SimpliMeta FSC team verifying that release was granted and the time that it occurred.

4. Client Responsibilities

a. Point of Contact:

Client shall assign a technical Point of Contact (“POC”), which shall be the primary interface with SimpliMeta resources responsible for Service delivery. Client shall identify the means of contacting the POC and the Client managers involved in escalation and their contact information.

b. Customer Notification:

The Client shall notify Client Site personnel that a Field Technician will be arriving on- site to perform Field Services.

c. Site Access:

Client shall contact Site contact and ask for free and open access to the Site in order that Services are expeditiously performed. If necessary, Client shall arrange for facility management personnel to be available to support Field Technician arrival outside of Standard Business Hours.

d. Equipment Access:

Client shall work with its end-users to ensure that free and open access to equipment and infrastructure is available as needed. It shall not be the responsibility of the Field Technician to move boxes, equipment, and so forth to gain access to the equipment.

e. Shipping Requirements:

If Client is providing shipping labels with their preferred freight carrier, it is clients responsibility to declare and insure all equipment for shipping as SimpliMeta is not responsible for equipment in transit.

f. Site Hazards:

Client, but only to the extent of its actual knowledge thereof, shall inform SimpliMeta or the relevant Field Technician of all environmental factors affecting a site (i.e., asbestos and other hazardous materials, unexposed high voltage wiring, etc.) of which it is then currently aware, and shall attempt to have the Client ensure that such factors are readily revealed to a Field Technician prior to performing Service.

5. Cancellation Policy

For Onsite support, a cancellation fee of 1 hour of service applies, for calls canceled 4 hours before the service call starts.

6. Parts

If the service call requires parts totaling more than $200, SimpliMeta will seek client’s approval prior to purchasing any parts necessary. If the service call requires parts totaling $199 or less SimpliMeta will purchase and add to the client invoice without seeking additional approvals. All parts purchased will be billed to the client and due prior to the job starting. SimpliMeta may authorize the client’s credit card for the full parts amount to purchase parts on the Client’s behalf.

7. Parking/Tolls

All tolls are billable to the client coming from the technician’s location to the client’s location. For locations with no free parking, all parking fees are billable to, and paid by the client, on standard contract terms.

8. Coverage

For Onsite Support, SimpliMeta by default provides coverage across the entire United States and Canada. For Remote Support services, SimpliMeta provides support everywhere.

9. Payment Terms

Client shall pay for the services and/or equipment furnished by SimpliMeta in accordance with the charges on the Agreement, within fourteen (14) days of the date of SimpliMeta invoice. All invoices will be sent upon completion of service. All invoices not contested in writing within fifteen (15) business days of receipt are deemed accepted by Client as true and accurate and are payable in full. Interest will be charged on all accounts not paid when due at a rate of 1.5% monthly for late fees, or, if less, the maximum rate allowed by law. Client agrees to supply a backup payment method outlined in section 12, to be used for any invoices that are more than 30 days past due.

In the event Client fails to pay SimpliMeta all amounts which become due under the Agreement or fails to perform its obligations hereunder, and SimpliMeta refers such matter to an attorney or collection agency, Client agrees to pay, in addition to the amounts due, all costs incurred by SimpliMeta as a result of such action, including reasonable attorney’s fees.

SimpliMeta has the right to charge a return check fee and may suspend services to Client if Client’s account becomes more than thirty (30) days past due.

10. Right to Increase Rates

Due to prevailing economic conditions and a global pandemic, SimpliMeta Reserves the right to adjust rates to the case-by-case agreement after 6 Months

11. Escalation Points

SimpliMeta makes every attempt to be responsive and efficient in processing Client’s support requests. If for any reason Client feels that SimpliMeta has not performed the service to Client’s reasonable satisfaction, the incident may be escalated as follows: After attempting to resolve the incident with the SimpliMeta staff member with whom they are working, Client may escalate the incident to another SimpliMeta resource by phone along with an email, to the point of contact in the order located below:

Jessica Dyer

Field Service Manager

Field Services Team

Ryan Harrelson

Executive Sponsor

Terms of Service

1. Availability of Services

SimpliMeta products and services (collectively, the ” Services”), are available only to approved users. Toll-free telephone support is only available to Clients calling from within the United States. Standard business hours are 9:00am to 8:00pm, Monday through Friday, Eastern Standard Time.

SimpliMeta reserves the right to charge additional fees for support provided outside of standard hours, at the current rates set by SimpliMeta. SimpliMeta may suspend Services at their discretion for not payment of services or for Client’s violation of the Terms of Service or Service Agreement.

2. Optional Services

Optional services for work performed by non onsite resources will be managed and maintained by the Professional Services MSA.

3. SimpliMeta Will Not Provide Services for the Following

4. Service Non-Transferable

SimpliMeta Services, and all rights of Clients to receive Services, are non-transferable.​

5. No Warranties

SimpliMeta services, the SimpliMeta website, and all other information, documents, links, references, and products, software, downloads, repair services, advice, and information provided by SimpliMeta and any of its third party product or service providers are provided “as is” and without warranty of any kind, either express, implied or statutory, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.

6. Limitation of Liability

a. 3rd Party shipping:

SimpliMeta assumes no responsibility for equipment in transit with a third party carrier or shipping partner. Upon receipt of shipments, client should open and inspect all boxes immediately for possible freight damage. If damage is found, client must notify the delivery carrier within 48 hours and request an inspection from the freight carrier. After notifying the delivery carrier of damage, client will promptly contact [email protected] for further instructions, and provide the carrier’s claim for our records. In some cases SimpliMeta at their discretion and within their capabilities may choose to assist with reimbursement.

If Client has requested SimpliMeta select a freight carrier SimpliMeta will declare the total value of all products with the selected freight carrier and will be part of the total expense path through on the final invoice.

b. Liability & Data Loss Disclaimer:

In no event shall SimpliMeta be liable to any person for any special, general, incidental, indirect, consequential, or punitive damages of any kind, including, without limitation, those resulting from negligent or criminal acts of third parties, loss of use, loss of data, lost profits, or computer hardware damage, in connection with any of the services, the SimpliMeta (including all information, services, and products that are referenced or linked to in the SimpliMeta website), or any other information, documents, products, software, downloads, repair services, advice, and information provided by SimpliMeta or any of its third-party product or service providers, whether such person is advised of the possibility of such damages.

SimpliMeta shall not be liable for the loss of data or business interruption due to any non-functioning backup systems, including hardware, software, or configuration errors. SimpliMeta cannot be held responsible for any loss of data due to failure of third-party off-site backup solutions. Client acknowledges that SimpliMeta services are advisory in nature and that client is responsible for final decisions.

7. Force Majeure

In the event SimpliMeta delivery of the Services is delayed, prevented, or otherwise made impracticable by reason of any acts of God, fires, floods, earthquakes, or other natural catastrophes; national emergencies, strikes, lockouts or other labor difficulties; computer “hacking” attack or computer virus; any law, order, regulation or other action of any governing authority; or any other cause beyond SimpliMeta reasonable control, then SimpliMeta shall be excused from such delivery to the extent that it is delayed or prevented by such cause.

8. Modifications to Terms of Service

SimpliMeta reserves the right to amend the Terms of Service that govern use of the Services and the SimpliMeta website at any time by sending information regarding any amendment to the Terms of Service to the email address of the Primary Contact and/or Billing Contact Client provides to SimpliMeta. Client will be given sixty (60) day notice prior to the implementation of said amendment, during which time Client may contact SimpliMeta for clarification and request for additional information. Client’s continued use of the Services after the thirty-day period during which such amended Terms of Service have been sent to Client shall be deemed acceptance by Client of the amended Terms of Service.

In the event the change to the terms of service relates to any change in the billing rate SimpliMeta will provide sixty (60) day notice prior to any change to the Primary Contact and/or Billing Contact Client provides to SimpliMeta. In the event of a change in the billing option Client has the right to cancel service with thirty (30) day notice or with continuation of the service beyond the notified change in the billing rate will act as confirmation of acceptance by the Client.

9. General

The Service Agreement and Terms of Service represents the entire understanding between SimpliMeta and Client and supersedes all prior written and oral negotiations, agreements, transactions and understandings with regard to provision of Services SimpliMeta and/or third party providers may make improvements and/or changes in the products, services, programs, business or customer policies and prices described in their websites at any time. Georgia law will govern any action related to the Terms of Service, without regard to conflict of law principles.

The Terms of Service shall be construed as if it was executed and performed in Charlestown, Massachusetts. Any cause of action by a Client or other viewer of this website must be commenced within three (3) years after the cause of action arose or it shall be forever waived and barred. If any provision of the Terms of Service be held invalid or unenforceable, that portion shall be enforced to the maximum extent allowable and shall not affect the validity of any other provision of the Terms of Service.

10. Confidentiality

SimpliMeta acknowledges that during its engagement as a consultant to the company, the company may disclose to SimpliMeta employees and\or contractors the confidential affairs and proprietary information of the Company as well as provide SimpliMeta with “administrative” passwords that have access to additional confidential information.

SimpliMeta has confidentiality agreements with its employees and contractors that require them to keep secret all such confidential matters. This includes prohibition from accessing information that is not required by the tasks that the customer has asked SimpliMeta to perform. In addition, SimpliMeta takes special care to safeguard all information about its clients from being disclosed to any third parties.

11. Prohibition Against Hiring Employees or Contractors of SimpliMeta

Client hereby agrees that they will not solicit or offer direct or indirect employment to any SimpliMeta employees or contractors at any time during their relationship with SimpliMeta and for a period of one year after termination of services being provided by SimpliMeta.

Additionally, client will not allow any computer support services work to be done by any past employee or sub-contractor of SimpliMeta who may leave and become employed by a competitor firm for a period of one year after termination of the SimpliMeta contract. SimpliMeta agrees that it will not, directly, or indirectly, offer any service whatsoever to any Restricted Customer other than those services expressly requested in writing (which may be emailed) by client. “Restricted Customer” shall mean any current or former client or customer of Client that SimpliMeta learned about through its relationship with Client.