About SimpliMeta

Elevate Your Agent Advisor Business with SimpliMeta: Your Trusted Partner in a Changing Landscape.

Empowering Agent Advisors to Stay Ahead in a Rapidly Evolving Landscape

SimpliMeta was founded out of necessity in the Channel for the Channel. As technology and best practice compliance change at an ever increasing rate, end customers are finding it hard to keep up. They are turning to their trusted technology advisor for help and guidance and they, in turn, are finding it hard to keep up.
Typically agent advisors have their domain knowledge rooted in Network Solutions or Telecom Expense Management and they are not equipped to act effectively in this new capacity.
Add the fact that end customers are now looking for a single point of contact for technology and compliance assessments as well as deployment assistance then the average agent is going to struggle to remain relevant. Indeed their whole customer relationship base could be under threat from new channels that can deliver on all these fronts.
A man walks along a path, holding a digital chip, symbolizing technology's integration into daily life.

SimpliMeta is the Answer to These Challenges

Born in the Agent Advisor channel, SimpliMeta understands the importance of effectively representing the Brand Promise of an advisor .

They understand the need to not compete with their partners; they are not a Technology Services Distributor (TSD), they are not an Agent Advisor, they are a Technology Services Enabler and as such do not carry provider Contracts that could be seen as competition.

Unlock New Revenue Streams and Enhance Customer Value with SimpliMeta

SimpliMeta can cover the whole range of additional services required for an Agent Advisor to thrive in this new world of Trusted Advisor. Our services range from compliance and security assessments, through to complex solution design, project management and field services.
Partnering with us enables you to go wider and deeper with your customer accounts while defending them from competitors. Most of our services are paid for by the customer. We take care of billing and give you a commission on these. Sometimes services are funded from the incremental commissions earned from projects that you would not have been involved with without our partnership.
We have typically seen opportunity monthly recurring revenue expand over 200% when we are involved. Imagine re-visiting your whole base to grow your business with out ever having to find a new logo.